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Monday, January 28, 2008

Search Engine Optimization Truth

Search engine optimization is a critical component to developing top page rankings. Done correctly, this one technique can increase your site's exposure and popularity, and in turn will drive traffic to your site that will help your business succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
There are a many ways to increase your page rank and increase your search engine optimization, otherwise known as SEO. Before we discuss exactly what search engine optimization is, let's talk a little bit about how search engines work.

Search engines provide specific data that match the search terms of users by sifting information and providing only the most relevant results based on keywords or targeted words and phrases.
Search engine results would be of no good to users if the information they pulled up was either not relevant or particularly outdated. People expect only the most recent and targeted information in the search engine results.

If you update your web site each day and add relevant information to it, the search engines will be more likely to pick your web site up and rank it higher.

Optimizing your web site and keeping your pages fresh and updated will boost traffic and sales because you will achieve a higher page ranking. This is absolutely imperative if you want to have success as an online entrepreneur.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, means that a business owner uses strategic copy to make sure that the search engines pick up their website. It's a specific way for one competitor to succeed over another, since competition for page ranking has in itself created a huge market of its own.

The most effective way to increase your page rank is to simply supply high-quality content consistently in your web pages. This seems simple, but in fact, many online businesses think that they can provide shoddy but "keyword optimized" copy and still get the same results. This is not true.

Your content must be well written, interesting, and regularly updated so that visitors will keep coming back. It will also help to increase word-of-mouth so that you can draw more prospective customers to your web site.

While you want to make your web site fresh and interesting, if you try to "sell" people or otherwise be flashy and it isn't you, people will know this and simply go away. In other words, for best search engine optimization, be real.
Next, you need to include what are called "high converting" keywords and phrases in your content. This means that you place keywords in your content so that search engines will pick up your pages and place them high in search engine rankings.

You used to be able to "stuff" your content with keywords every other line and get great page ranking. Now, you must strategically use keywords, because if you have too many, the search engines will actually lower your page rank or even drop you.

Ideally, you want to place keywords in the first and last paragraph of your content and shoot for about 3% keyword content in the overall copy itself.
Implementing a linking strategy as part of your SEO plan will give you free advertising for your site. As more and more people link to your site, you will receive increased exposure and gain "expert" status as well. For every link that you have pointing to your site, this is another chance for your customer to find you. The more inbound links you have, the higher your rank will be in search engines.

Formulate a strategy for your content because most people who go online are looking for information, period. The more helpful the information, the more likely they will become eventual customers.

One of the best ways to do this is to write articles and post them on your site and to other Web e-zines and directories. Adding more pages allows the search engines another opportunity to find you and results in higher page ranking. This, in turn, will draw even more visitors.
Make your site easy to navigate and the articles easy to find. You can develop a menu that will clearly describe the articles you write and arrange them by subject. This will bring you more traffic as you add pages to your site.

Search engine optimization is vital to acquiring top page rankings. Done correctly, this one technique can increase your site's exposure and popularity, and in turn will drive traffic to your site that will help your business succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
Tod Dale is a top marketer who specializes in creating multiple six figure incomes for entrepreneurs. To learn more about him, visit his website at: IntegrityWealthSystem.com

Key to success in online MLM marketing

Generating good MLM leads is more of a skill than any other thing. You have to know what it entails to generate and direct the needed traffic to your MLM webpage. In looking to generate qualified MLM leads, Patience and most importantly knowledge are necessary. Luckily for those of you starters, this article becomes an asset to you.

To start with, let's have a look at why you need to actively be in search of qualified MLM leads and what leads are widely used on the internet. A lead is more of a means through which a site is spread out to internet users. There are different kinds of leads as you would soon see.
Having a site with good leads often increases the chances of that site been picked up by search engines.

There are 4 leads most MLM's use to direct traffic to their sites:

Google Adwords

Google Adwords is a creative advertisement opportunity for every website owner. Using Google Adwords for your MLM site is definitely the most efficient and easy way to get your website out and also bring in desired traffic. For you to be successful with this, you'll need to be able to determine working keywords for your site. These keywords are what will form the backbone of your advertisement campaign. Fortunately, there are services on the internet able to provide you with good keywords and one of them is www.wordtracker.com. Though the service on this site isn't free, your money will be well-spent.

Press Releases

Press releases are important tools when written and published correctly. Some Search Engine Experts believe that a good press release is the fastest way to see improvement in a web site's ranking status. This is definitely no different for you into MLM. Have a copywriter - preferably someone with good skills in writing press releases- write one for you. Know that just as a press release is the fastest way for you to progress on the search engines, the competition with press releases is very high so you'll need to be very selective when it comes to selecting someone to write them for you. Once you have them written, you can go on a submission campaign where you'll submit your press release to as many online PR publishing houses as you can.

Search Engine Optimized

Articles Keyword-packed or SEO articles are another way to get the attention of search engines. You'll need a constant supply of these articles to remain on top of competition. It is also recommended that if you are using Google's Adwords for the same site, you use the same keywords for both.

Lead Capture Page

I am going to take you through a step -by- step approach to use in directing traffic to your lead page. If you don't already have a leading page, you should create one. A leading or landing page is more of a home page where most traffic to your site gets to. Because of the tendency of most internet users to not have a look beyond your leading page, it has become important for websites needing traffic to have good persuasive information on their leading page. Any good leading page should have - contact information of the website, a convincing sales letter, a form. Extra information may also be put on this page at the discretion of the site owner.
Copyright (c) 2008 Colin Meunier
Colin Meunier is a Successful Home Business Coach and Mentor! To learn how you can use a breakthrough marketing system to become more successful in your home business online visit: Prosperity Cast Network

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Site Making Using Google

Businesses that want to sell something in the market need 2 things. The first is the product to be sold which has to be made then distributed to places like the grocery, the mall or the supermarket. The second is marketing which is the vehicle to carry that message across to the consumer so that people are aware of its existence then it is purchased.

The age of the internet has given people the opportunity to make money via the web. There are a lot of websites that offer a person the chance to be seen easily and quickly and one of the best right now is using site maps created by Google.

The benefits of using Google are the following;

· It helps people find ones web page better than other search engines because of better crawl   coverage.

· People will be able to search on certain keywords that the person put in place which will directly   lead searchers to ones website.

· It allows the person to provide specific information to Google about the web page such as the   last   time it was modified or how often it is changed.

· Using Google straight will allow ones web page to be seen quickly which is a lot better than   other   computer companies who promise to do the same thing but can’t deliver in the end.

Now that the benefits have been mentioned, it is now time to go through the step by step process to make a Google site map.

1. The first thing that needs to be done is to do the proper research. The service or product has     to fill a need that the customers want right now. It should provide a solution of some kind that     will make that will improve the quality of life either at home or at work.

2. Next, one should focus on the product or service that is being offered to the customer must be     sold at a decent price. Sometimes, the product one makes is already available in the market.     To be competitive, one must figure out a way to convince people as to why this product is     better than the other leading brands available. What features does it have that the competitor     doesn’t? What makes it unique which is not only about the product on hand but the service     that this can give as well?

    Just like a normal business where business is done on the phone or in a store, one must     acquire the right equipment and machines for the job. These could be merchandise that is     either physical or electronic and an online ordering system.

   To be successful, one should be sure that the goods that a customer will order can be delivered    on time. If there are any problems, a customer support staff or system should be ready to    cater to that.

3. If the business is done with a group of people or a single proprietorship, it is best to     brainstorm for the best domain name for the business. It should be catchy and will easily be     remembered by people. Given that there are probably other people who have been in the     business longer and that it is possible that the domain name has already been taken, it is best     to think of several names in case it can no longer be used.

4. When a domain name has been selected, one should enter the URL of the website to be     created. Google site maker will then crawl the site and create a list of all the links it can find.

5. Next, one should fix the control settings. Doing this will determine how frequent the contents     of the site changes which will let Google know how often it should be crawled.

6. If there are certain URL’s that a person does not wish to be included in ones site, Google can     be instructed to bypass it so that it will not be crawled and posted on ones site map. One can     select what types of files to be bypassed whether these are .zip or .exe files.

7. Also, one has the option of adding the sites FTP information since Google can automatically     upload the site map for the person.


A website refers to a compilation of Web pages that can be typically accessed through a software package, commonly known as a Web browser (one example is the HTTP on the Internet). These pages, which are essentially documents that are in the HTML or XHTML format (HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language), are accessed from a 'common root URL' - or the website's homepage (as most people know it). From this homepage, the visitor/Internet user can browse or look through the entire website either with the use of the hyperlinks or the URLs of the different web pages.

Viewed on computers and other devices that are capable of connecting with the Internet (such as PDAs and cellular phones), websites can be grouped into numerous types, depending on their use or the services that they offer. Some of them include the following:

· Archive site - maintains and protects electronic contents that are valuable to the point of  

· Business site - promotes a business or a service.

· Commerce or eCommerce site - offers goods for sale.

· Community site - allows people with related and similar interests to communicate with each    other (either through chat or message boards).

· Database site - searches and displays a particular database's content.

· Development site - provides data and sources that are related to software development and   web design, among others.

· Directory site - contains wide-ranging contents that are usually divided into categories and   subcategories.

· Download site - allows users to download electronic contents, such as game demos and   software.

· Game site - provides a 'playground' where people meet and play.

· Information site - contains data or content that have the sole purpose of informing visitors (not   for commercial purposes).

· News site - dispenses or distributes news and commentaries (similar to an information site).

· Pornography site - shows pornographic videos and images.

· Search engine site - provides general information and serves as a 'gateway' for other sites and   resources (can also be a web portal site).

· Shock site - shows images and other materials that aim to offend viewers.

· Vanity site - a personal site that is run or maintained by an individual or a small group, the   contents of which can be of any information that the site owner wishes to include.

· Blog site or blogs - registers online readings and posts online diaries or discussion forums.

· Wiki site - allows users to collaboratively edit the contents.

Yahoo! is perhaps the most famous example of a very large website. The most popular and widely-used website, Yahoo! is a mixture of the different types of sites - it is a directory site and a search engine site, among others.

Because of the enormous (and diverse) amount of information that it contains, the Yahoo! site map is an extremely useful feature in the Yahoo! website.

A site map is a web page that lists the entire pages on a web site. Organized in a hierarchical fashion, site maps can be in textual or visual form (a diagram or an image).

The Yahoo! site map serves as a blueprint for the Yahoo! website. Similar to a book's Table of Contents, the Yahoo! sitemap makes it easier for visitors or users to find specific information or pages on the Yahoo! web site without having to browse many pages, because the site map gives an overview or a visual outline of the Yahoo! web site, with each location provided with active links to enable the user to directly move to a specific location.

In addition, the Yahoo! site map allows web developers to put out links from across their sites, making it easier for search engine robots (or engine spiders) to find these pages.

Because the Yahoo! site map improves the search engine optimization of a site, this feature can be considered a valuable tool for online marketers, whose aim is to stimulate and direct traffic to their web sites.

Note, however, that the Yahoo! site map can only give you the 'basics'. Because it is important for web marketers to 'rank high' on main search engines, an effective web marketing strategy that promotes your web site is also very much needed. Listed below are some search engine strategies to consider:

1. Write a descriptive page title at the top of your webpage that avoids 'filler' words like "the" or     "and".

2. Incorporate descriptive keywords on your home page, along with your business name. This is     called "keyword prominence".

3. Include a Description Meta Tag at the top of the web page. This refers to the sentences (1 or 2      lines, with a maximum of around 255 characters) that describe the content of your web page.

These are just some of the many techniques that you can employ to get more users to visit your website. The important thing is to focus on keywords - and let Yahoo! site map do the rest.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


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Friday, January 4, 2008

From Gamer to Gym Rat

Now gamers can play while getting in their gym time, too. And we're not just talking about the Wii.
By Geoff Williams

Even on the most expensive exercise equipment, despite the lights and gizmos, it's generally impossible to forget that you're still sweating, breathing hard and working nearly every muscle in your body. It's much easier to sit back on the couch and play a video game.

That's why exergaming, which weds video game technology with keeping fit, is poised to become the next gold mine for exercise-minded entrepreneurs. It may not be everywhere yet, but give it time.

In homes, people of all ages are exergaming enough that the California Athletic Trainers' Association recently put out a warning that overdoing it can leave participants with sports-related injuries similar to those experienced by traditional athletes. In gym classes at schools across the nation, stationary bicycles are attached to PlayStation video game consoles, Nintendo Wii game stations are linked to wide-screen TVs, and then there's Dance Dance Revolution, a popular dance video game, which took off in Japan in 1998 and has spread to the rest of the world.

And in some gyms, exergaming equipment isn't merely an offering; it's the focus.
Hitting the Gym
Mike Hansen, 30, and Kevin Bolden, 37, are two pioneers of the pastime, not to mention competitors. Hansen and his business partner, Lenny Lowenstein, 52, own iTech Fitness, headquartered in Denver, which produces exergaming equipment, such as the XR Board that simulates snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing, and licenses its XRKade name to 24 clubs. The gyms, which are aimed at the tween and teen market, let exergamers track how many goals they can score during Goalie Wars or how many knockouts they can rack up during Power Boxing.

Meanwhile, Bolden and his wife, Suzanne, own NexGym, a chain of three fitness centers in Texas, which is also marketing to children. Along with traditional karate and yoga classes, kids can play seven high-tech games, ranging from combat challenges to wall climbing, intended to get them in shape and improve their hand-eye coordination.

At a time when parents are more concerned than ever about their children getting enough exercise, this niche is likely to continue growing. "Childhood obesity is a global phenomenon," says Bolden. "I expect that eventually you will see capabilities in most schools, as well as in convenient locations--malls, shopping centers. Eventually the large fitness facilities will target the same 6-to14-year-old kids [that we target]."
Hansen concurs that the exergaming industry has a lot of room to expand. In 2008, he expects to license XRKades to more than 100 additional gyms and envisions increasingly chasing the adult market as well. "The average video gamer is 30 years old, and 19 percent of the gaming audience is over 50," says Hansen. "The 13 million baby boomers will affect a lot of the thought and process that goes into what we're doing."
Hansen also has seen interest from executives at large companies, eager to get their employees' exercise habits up and their health insurance costs down. Besides, adults want just as badly as children to make exercise fun. "Everyone's so engaged with these games, they don't realize that their heart rate is going up, and that they're burning up calories," says Hansen.
These days, you can easily immerse yourself in a game and forget that you're not actually boxing, skiing or snowboarding. But the potential for virtual adventures goes far beyond sports. Expresso Fitness, which makes a stationary bike that uses virtual reality, already has released Proving Grounds, a bicycle game in which the rider is cycling through a fantasy world. Cyclists chase dragons, score points and can completely forget that they're exercising. And because the stationary bikes are linked to the internet, the games can be updated and retooled through downloads.
The more dragons chased and the more Wii boxing and bowling, the better, says fitness guru John Hayley, president of Hayley Fitness Consulting in Chicago. "The competition of the game allows them to get lost in the moment," he says. "All of the sudden, when the game is over, they find themselves dripping in sweat and can't believe how hard they worked. It gets people to do something, which is far better than the alternative." Concerned parents and gym owners would agree.

Attracting Success in the New Year

Letting go is a resolution that will save you time, money and heartache in the long run.
By Paige Arnof-Fenn

As I reflect on my accomplishments for the past year, one of the big themes I will remember is that 2006 was the year I moved, but 2007 is the year I moved on. I'm so thankful that I was able to let go of disingenuous people and free up space in my life for the ones who add joy, humor, creativity and fun.

There was a lot of talk this year about The Secret and the power of intention. Once you realize you have the power within you to attract the kinds of people, relationships, qualities, attitudes and situations you want, you can begin focusing on the positive options in front of you at every juncture. By cutting out the copycats and imposters around me, I created the time, space and energy to focus on the innovators and big thinkers. This, in turn, helped me build more opportunities and work in a better ecosystem to pursue my dreams.

Entrepreneurs need to be careful and specific in what they wish for. Hitting a certain revenue goal can be attainable but achieving that milestone with colleagues of questionable ethics isn't worth it. When people around you don't think the rules apply to them, it's time to find a different sandbox to play in.

Great leaders don't create followers, but instead develop other leaders who inspire greatness in those around them. This year, I started paying attention to those who lead and inspire versus those who merely execute well. I appreciate working with people who give more than they take, don't keep score, laugh every day, and leave a little something extra in every encounter.

Both personally and professionally, I was fortunate to work with true craftsmen--people who are passionate about what they do. I look for those qualities in all aspects of my life--from the roofer and his son who put new shingles on our home, to the carpentry crew who found the perfect paint colors and the gardening team who created an enchanted forest full of color and life in our yard. Each of these trades people are passionate about their gifts and show pride in their work.

So when I see a media person going through the motions of writing a press release without any heart in their words, I know it's time to let go and move on. Clients can tell the difference between someone who delivers versus a professional who really cares. Being technically competent is expected, but it's not enough today. When you find professionals who show they care about what they do, hold onto them like gold. Let the others go quickly; life is too short for mediocre or disingenuous people.

Previously, I focused on the economics and figured if we could make some money together, I would overlook the fact that our core values were not compatible. I realized things like integrity and values matter a lot more than money to me. Working with people who try to skirt the rules to make a few extra bucks can sully your reputation by association.
So in this season of giving thanks, remember those who have helped you and added positive momentum in your life. I’m not a big fan of secrets or New Year resolutions, but here are a few thoughts to help you get 2008 off to a positive start:

Get organized.
The days of wasting time looking for important papers or rummaging through storage are over. Attain the peace of mind that comes with knowing you can find the things you need when you need them and you've taken care of the people you care most about. When things are chaotic at the office or home, it's hard to think clearly and be of much value in either place.

Celebrate success.
It takes a small army to accomplish many worthwhile things in life. Make sure to pause and reflect on how you were able to achieve those goals and thank those along the way who assisted in your success. This year, I had the opportunity to thank someone publicly who was a great role model to me as a teenager. I could only focus on one of the many people who have helped me along the way, but it meant a lot to me for her to realize the positive influence she has had on my life. When celebrities, politicians or CEOs hog the limelight without mentioning others who have contributed to their success, it signals to me they are insecure. Often, the key link is behind the scenes and deserves credit for making things happen.

Keep it simple.
A lot of people and companies talk about clarity, but few do it well. When you've been spending more time and energy managing your high maintenance colleagues than the customers you are serving, it's time to get a new team. These are the ones whose egos need to be constantly stroked and have to dominate every conversation. It's amazing how much more productive and fun the work environment can be when they're gone.

Set clear priorities.
Life and business are about choices. With an abundance of information available today, having unclear priorities can drive you crazy. Set deadlines, make the best decision and move on. Whether you have a day, week or month to complete a project, a time constraint can help you prioritize what factors can influence a decision. Stop stressing about all the things on your to-do list and focus on the ones that really matter. Once you set your goals, you'll find that less really is more--more fulfilling and more rewarding.

Like Barry Bonds breaking Hank Aaron's record this year, sometimes it seems as if the folks who cut corners get ahead. But people of character and integrity won't have an asterisk next to their names in the history books. No footnotes are necessary to explain Aaron's incredible achievements and record. Bonds would have been considered a great ball player without skirting the system.

Give yourself a gift this holiday season and focus on the essential people in your life who share your values and vision for the future. I believe a lot will be accomplished in the new year by the people achieving their dreams, while the others are fighting over who gets to take credit for all the great acts of kindness being created every day. You have the power within you to make good things happen. Enjoy and happy holidays!

Paige Arnof-Fenn is the founder and CEO of Mavens & Moguls, a strategic-marketing consulting firm whose clients include Fortune 500 companies as well as early stage and emerging businesses.

Should You Franchise Your Business?

If you want to expand, but lack the money, the people and the time, it may be time to think about franchising.
By Mark C. Siebert

Have a better mousetrap but scared to death that the world is actually beating a path to your door? Trouble sleeping at night wondering who will knock off your operation first? Certain that yours is the next Ray Kroc story, if only you could get the capital? Tired of reading about companies and thinking, "I have a better franchise concept than that company"?

Maybe you, too, should consider franchising.

Why Franchise?

In general, companies decide to begin franchising for one of three reasons: lack of money, people or time.
The primary barrier to expansion that today's entrepreneur faces is lack of capital. And franchising allows companies to expand without the risk of debt or the cost of equity. Since franchisees provide the initial investment at the unit level, franchising allows for expansion with minimal capital investment on the part of the franchisor. In addition, since it's the franchisee, and not the franchisor, who signs the lease and commits to various service contracts, franchising allows for expansion with virtually no contingent liability, thus greatly reducing a franchisor's risk.
The second barrier to expansion is finding and retaining good unit managers. All too often, a business owner spends months looking for and training a new manager only to see that manager leave-or worse yet, get hired away by a competitor.
Franchising allows entrepreneurs to overcome many of these problems by substituting a motivated franchisee for a unit manager. Interestingly enough, since the franchisee has both an investment in the unit and a stake in the profits, unit performance will often improve. And since a franchisor's income is based on the franchisee's gross sales-and not profitability-monitoring unit-level expenses becomes significantly less cumbersome.
Finally, opening another location takes time. Hunt for sites. Negotiate leases. Arrange for design and build-out. Secure financing. Hire and train staff. Purchase equipment and inventory. The end result is that the number of units you can open in any given period of time is limited by the amount of time it takes to do it properly.
For companies with too little time (or too little staff), franchising is often the fastest way to grow. That's because it's the franchisee who performs most of these growth tasks. The franchisor provides the guidance, of course, but the franchisee does the legwork. Thus franchising not only allows the franchisor financial leverage, but it allows him to leverage his resources as well.

Is Your Business "Franchisable"?
Franchising is a relatively flexible format, and just about any type of business can be franchised, provided it meets some basic characteristics:
  • It needs to be credible. Does your company have experienced management? A track-record over time? Is the concept proven? Have you achieved good local press or public acclaim?
  • It needs to be unique. Is your business adequately differentiated from its competitors? Is it marketable as a business opportunity? Does it have a sustainable competitive advantage?
  • It needs to be teachable. Are the systems in place? Are operating procedures documented? Could someone learn to operate your business in three months or less?
  • It needs to provide an adequate return. I don't mean just profitability. If a business can't generate a 15 to 20 percent return on investment after deducting a royalty (typically between 4 and 8 percent), it's going to have difficulty keeping franchisees happy.

If your business meets these criteria, then it may be a good candidate for franchising.
When a company makes a decision to franchise, it must first develop a sound plan for expansion. This plan must take into consideration the numerous issues confronting a new franchisor: speed of growth, territorial development, support services, staffing and fee structure, to name just a few of the most important issues. Larger companies need to address more complex issues such as channel conflict, anti-trust issues, and resource allocation. And obviously, your entire plan needs to be subjected to rigorous financial analysis and scrutiny to fine-tune your strategy for growth.

Once your plan is in place, you'll need the proper legal documentation. At a minimum, you'll need a franchise contract, an offering circular (as required under FTC Rule 436), and, depending on where franchises are being sold, state registrations. There are literally hundreds of different business issues that must be addressed in a good franchise agreement, and the decisions made regarding these issues will ultimately dictate your success as a franchisee.

Quality control for a new franchisor involves the development of highly developed systems. Generally, this translates into the development of an operations manual that must contain not only the systems used by the business, but also the checklists, policies, procedures and tactics that will allow these systems to be uniformly enforced. Moreover, operations manuals must be careful to avoid the creation of an agency and must also address issues that could create claims of negligence if you're to maintain an effective shield against consumer liability.

Finally, as a new franchisor, you must develop the ability to market and sell franchises. That requires knowledge of how to attract prospective buyers and the necessary materials (brochures, mini-brochures, videotapes, DVDs, and so on) that will help make the sale. Moreover, since the franchise sales process is highly regulated, you'll need to be educated in proper sales, disclosure and compliance techniques.

Every new franchisor quickly learns that when they turn to franchising, they've entered a completely different business. Regardless of how you make money as a franchisor, you'll have two roles: selling franchises and servicing franchisees. And of the two, ensuring the success of your franchisees is the most important.

Properly structured, franchising can allow small companies to more effectively compete with much larger competitors. It can also allow larger companies to gain the advantages of highly motivated unit management while reducing overhead. As such, franchising is an option that more and more companies should explore.

The key to success in franchising is successful franchisees. Without successful franchisees, no franchise system will last. But if you can put the interests of your franchisee first, those same franchisees might help you become the next McDonald's.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

30% Increase in Online Advertising in 2008

Janet Meiners

The US housing market is affecting advertising spend too. But again, online advertising is the bright spot. This is according to ZenithOptimedia. They downgraded its 2007 forecast for offline advertising which was already in the single digits. Online advertising is projected to rise 30% in 2008.

The upside is TV advertising sales globally should be at a record high next year because of the Olympic Games in China. You can see how markets outside the US are still growing, especially Central & Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Here are some other findings:

  • The drop in ad prices isn’t a freefall, but it has been downgraded to 2.5 percent growth in 2007. It was estimated to 3.3 percent, before the housing market woes.
  • Most of the online advertising growth will be in video and local search. They say these will drove 30 percent growth in internet ad expenditures in 2007 – which is nine times faster than the rest of the ad market.
  • The coming years will be even stronger for internet advertising. The report says that between 2006 and 2009, there will be an 85 percent increase.

It is still amazing that television advertising is still increasing and at record levels, even with free online content. The growth isn’t happening in the US though. In fact, the US is losing market share.

I can’t forget the sad plight of newspapers. Rather than video killing the radio star, it’s the online classifieds and news killing the newspaper. A 29% drop with another 6.2% drop for 2009 estimated.

Not to end on a down note, here’s some good news for one form of traditional advertising. Outdoor advertising is still growing, thanks to technology. The digital displays are working well as their market share is forecast to increase from 5.6 percent in 2006 to 5.9 percent in 2009.

Read more at MarketingCharts.

Experts Agree that Outlook for Entrepreneurs as Resilient as Ever

by Stephen Parezo

If opinions expressed by a cross-section of academics, business experts, economists with national think tanks and large member associations representing micro-businesses are any indication, then the state of entrepreneurship in the United States appears as resilient as ever.
A recent study by Boston, MA-based global consultants Yankee Group indicates that small businesses are still a mainstay of the American economy with small and medium-sized firms making up 99.8% of all employer firms. The study says there are 5.6 million small businesses operating in the U.S. with 89% having less than 20 employees. Current sectors experiencing the most growth are construction, healthcare and manufacturing.
"The state of entrepreneurship is alive and well," said John Santora, who, as international small business services provider Fiducial's Director of Systems Support and Development, has responsibility over most product management, local marketing efforts and sales tools. "People always have ideas and if they have the drive and energy to take a concept and turn it into a product or service, then the opportunity is there for them to succeed. It's not easy and it takes a certain strength of character and resolve but the resources are there and the rewards can be great."
Santora pointed out that data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the percentage of sole proprietors as a percentage of the entire American work force has grown by 50% over the last 20 years. From 1980-2002, the percentage of small businesses in the work force increased from 8% to 13%. "That," he indicates, "is fairly significant."
Confidence index at highest level ever
Fiducial has seen first-hand that the small business sector of the economy remains vibrant and growing as evidenced by the increase in potential franchise candidates wanting to become company franchisees.
Howard Margolis, Fiducial's Director of Field Support and Development, noted that the number of those franchisee hopefuls who have completed requests for consideration forms has risen 47.6% in 2004 compared to 2002.
On the national scene, interest remains high among those aspiring to operate their own business. According to Margolis, pre-registration figures are up 300% for this weekend's International Franchise Association's Franchise Expo at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. Fiducial believes it will pick up many leads from interested entrepreneur hopefuls during the April 30-May 2 event.
This uptick is further supported by recent findings from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) who checks the collective pulse of the small business economy through a monthly business confidence index. That index is at its highest level ever.
As the nation's largest small business advocacy group with 600,000 members, NFIB says there's good reason for entrepreneurs to be excited these days. In its timely survey of small business owners, NFIB's Chief Economist William C. Dunkelberg observes that the readings they received from small business owners indicate that 2004 "could be the best year in a very long time."
With economic growth looking real and sustainable, the NFIB report says the confidence of small firms is evident with 18% reporting that the current period is a good time to expand facilities.
"Overall, capital spending, inventory accumulation and hiring all look good in the coming months," writes Dunkelberg. "Prices are rising, some of this due to energy, but also due to a good economy, which means firms don't have to cut prices to keep or gain customers."
Fiducial's Santora agrees. "Customers feel the economy is improving," he said. "People are spending money and are more confident that their jobs are not going to be cut. Entrepreneurs will have to sell whatever they are offering to people more willing to part with their money."
Entrepreneurs want to turn back the clock
Gene Fairbrother, a consultant with the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), in Washington, D.C., cited IRS data that shows the number of tax returns filed by sole proprietors continues to grow every year.
Another indicator of a healthy atmosphere for small business is the increasing volume of calls taken each month by NASE's Shop Talk 800 group that speaks to hundreds of entrepreneurs across the nation. Call volumes have risen from 10% to 15% over the last 18 months.
According to NASE, these entrepreneurs want to control their own destiny, which marks a return to the early 20th century when most commerce was conducted by small business owners. From the early 1900s through the 1960s, the prevalent mindset among the working class was to work for large corporations. Now, entrepreneurs want to turn back the clock. "We're cycling back to the future," Fairbrother said.
Few firms have felt the economic downturn the last few years as much as small and micro-businesses have but while they've been hurting, they are seeing the trends improving."
We hear less questions of 'how do I survive' and more of 'how to capitalize' these days," he said.
The Internet revisited
More start-ups are going into the service market and, in his opinion, Fairbrother believes one of the best opportunities coming up is going back to the Internet.
"We are going to see growth on the Internet now that things have settled down," he said. "People are discovering that you still have to use traditional marketing to drive people to it. Whether it's a storefront on the street or on the web, there's absolutely no difference in marketing. These are the things that people are finding out."
Eric Engen, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a think tank in the Nation's Capital, sees a lot of signs that entrepreneurship is becoming an important part of the economy's recovery. Department of Labor data shows that the number of small business owners is on the rise including self-employment, partnerships, sole proprietors and particularly limited liability companies (LLCs) whose registrations have expanded "by leaps and bounds."
Recent tax cuts have specifically benefited entrepreneurs. These cuts include the reduction in personal income tax since most small entrepreneurs are just paying personal taxes and are not incorporated. There also have been some specific provisions to allow complete expensing of investment for start-ups in the year they made their investments.
Less manufacturing, more productivity ahead
Many of today's small business owners were formerly employed by large corporations. After leaving these big firms to work for themselves, they hire their services back to their old employers. This is true especially in technology and computer related areas.
On the flip side, fewer entrepreneurs are trying their hand in such waning enterprises as the service station industry. Here, competition has become increasingly difficult with the emergence of new competitors.
"It has a lot to do with competition, the price of fuel and the fact that the BJ Warehouses and Wal-Marts are getting into the fuel business," said Jim Rizzolo, a Fiducial franchisee in Port St. Lucie, FL. At one point Rizzolo's business included several independent service station clients.
Some experts maintain that the nation's manufacturing sector will be drastically reduced in the coming years. William B. Gartner, a professor of entrepreneurship at the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business, says America is heading away from a manufacturing economy toward a more service-oriented economy.
"We're going to see continual losses in manufacturing for a long time," said Gartner. "That's the future. The high attrition rate means people move on. Nothing lasts and particularly organizations don't. Most of the Fortune 500 companies of today weren't around 50 years ago."
Even so, AEI's Engen makes the distinction that while there will be less people employed in manufacturing, they will be "producing at a much more productive way and don't need as many workers."
Fiducial's Santora indicated that the rise of the service-oriented economy will be accompanied by additional requirements for both business and work flow consultants because these automated manufacturing systems need to be developed, installed, maintained and improved so the high quality control standards can be ensured.
In terms of policy, small businesses are seeking to offer the type of non-wage benefits as life, pension and health insurance like big businesses. Engen noted that there's current Associated Health Plan (AHP) legislation in Congress which would allow groups of small businesses to combine to get health policies from big health care insurance providers at a rate more closely tied with their larger counterparts.
"It's still being debated but it's something that's important," he said. "Even policy makers make it clear they understand that small businesses are still a vital part of the economy."
It's part of the American Dream
Upbeat about the future outlook for entrepreneurs, AEI's Engen doesn't see any reasons to suggest that this trend will stop.
"I really don't see any black cloud on the horizon that we're going to have major retrenchment," he said. "All the signs are pointing to a very vibrant segment."
With all the technological revolution-whether it's publishing or providing data-so much can be done to allow people greater freedom to truly pick what sort of career and niche they want.
"This is part of the American Dream," Engen said. "We've always had an independent entrepreneurial spirit and technology allows that to come out even more. A lot of people want that freedom and are constantly looking for new things that tie into what they are doing."
Helping companies simplify and maintain training and quality control standards will provide plenty of future opportunities for small businesses with Fiducial playing a role in helping entrepreneurs grow their operations.
"There's no reason that a hard working entrepreneur can't be successful with the right guidance and tools to make sure that they are aware of all the issues that affect the profitability of their business," Santora said.
Leading authorities also put stock in another vital ingredient that figures prominently in an entrepreneur's success?the indomitable spirit of the American small business owner."
I'm a believer that imagination always triumphs," Professor Gartner added.

Top 10 Holiday Franchises – Small Businesses Made for the Season

Owning a franchise is a wonderful business opportunity that more and more individuals are taking advantage of each and every day. And, with all businesses there are certain times of the year that are more profitable than others. For the following 10 franchises the holiday season is one of the most profitable times of the year. Of course, more work is required to match the demand during the holiday season but the owners of the following franchises don’t mind because they will surely be in the black throughout the holidays.

The UPS StoreDuring the holiday season almost everyone buys gifts and greeting cards for their friends and loved ones. However, there are many individuals whose family and friends live in other parts of the country or even the world. For these individuals The UPS Store comes in very handy because it allows them to ship their gifts easily and with the UPS guarantee. There are other shipping methods individuals may choose, but The UPS Store is one of the best and its brand recognition brings in plenty of business. As a result, one of the best franchises to own during the holiday season is The UPS Store franchise because more mail and packages are shipped than at any other time during the year.

Dollar Stores by Allied SystemsAmericans like getting the most for their money and this is exactly what a Dollar Stores by Allied Systems franchise offers them. During the holiday season most people have more gifts to buy than their budget allows. But, the Dollar Stores franchise gives consumers the opportunity to buy all the items they need at a very affordable price. The holiday season is marked by a high shopping volume and many consumers choose to shop at Dollar Stores. As a result a Dollar Store franchise owner will find the holiday season to be the most successful time for the store.

Mrs. Fields CookiesThis franchise is successful during the holidays simply because it provides an outstanding product at an affordable price that is perfect for a holiday gift or to take to a holiday party. Few people have the time to bake these days, but that’s ok since Mrs. Fields bakes all day long and has fresh cookies, brownies, and cookie cakes available. Because so many people buy cookies during the holiday season as gifts or for a party a Mrs. Fields Cookies franchise is really successful during this time period.

Hollywood TansThe tanning industry is a big one that continues to grow each year. And, this industry finds that most of its business is done during the winter months and especially during the holiday season. The reason why tanning franchises like Hollywood Tans are so successful during the holiday season is for two reasons. First, the weather is not favorable to tanning outside and there are lots of holiday parties. Women and men alike want to look good during the holidays and a tan helps them do that. Because of this a Hollywood Tans franchise sees increased business during the holiday season and winter months.

GNCThe healthcare industry gets bigger each year with more and more individuals worrying about their health and their weight. GNC and other similar franchises have always been popular and increasingly so during the holidays. However, with each passing year they are becoming even more popular. Everyone knows they put on a few extra pounds during the holidays so they turn to GNC for supplements, weight loss pills, vitamins, and more to help them drop the holiday pounds and become healthy. There are some people who turn to GNC during the holidays for the sole fact that they don’t want to gain any weight and need supplements to help them. GNC products also make great holiday gifts. All of these reasons combined make a GNC franchise an outstanding business to own during the holidays.

The Wine LoftAll year long people go out on the town however during the holidays the amount of parties and socializing dramatically increases. There are all kinds of parties and the like held at various establishments and wine bars have become one of the most popular places to hold any kind of get together. Because of this The Wine Loft is an outstanding franchise to own during the holidays. This is because it allows for a classier setting for a holiday get together or party and all types of wines are available, which adds to the elegance. Of all the establishments offering holiday party space wine bars are becoming the most popular, so The Wine Loft franchise is a great holiday franchise.

Pet DepotThe pet industry is huge and especially popular during the holiday season. That is because so many individuals give and receive pets as holiday gifts. The amount of pets sold during the holiday season is significantly higher than during the rest of the year. This means that The Pet Depot is a wonderful holiday pet franchise because all types of pets are sold through the store and it’s a perfect place to buy a pet for the holidays.

Wireless GiantAnother popular holiday gift is a cell phone, especially for tweens and teenagers. Parents looking for the best plan and the best phone may feel overwhelmed by the many different wireless companies out there. However, The Wireless Giant makes buying a cell phone and finding the perfect plan easy because all carriers, plans, and cell phones are offered through this franchise. Since cell phones are one of the hottest holiday gifts The Wireless Giant franchise is one of the hottest holiday franchises.

Gold’s GymJanuary 1 is the typical day that everyone vows to get back in shape. And, lots of people are thinking about losing weight up to a month before while they are enjoying all the great holiday foods. Because of this lots of individuals give gym memberships as holiday gifts because they know a loved one either needs to get in shape or plans on getting in shape for the New Year. Also, plenty of individuals sign up for a gym membership so they are ready for the New Year and their new fitness routine. Since better health is on everyone’s mind during the holiday season Gold’s Gym health and fitness franchise is a profitable one during the holiday season.

BP ConnectBesides giving gifts what is one thing most individuals do during the holiday season? The answer is travel! Traveling by car is by far the most popular and since vehicles need gas to get anywhere a gas station is a great holiday franchise. One of the best franchises is BP Connect. The BP name is familiar and trustworthy and most travelers choose a familiar franchise over a name they don’t know. Since so many people travel during the holiday season and look for a familiar gas station to fill up a BP Connect franchise is a winning franchise during the holiday season.

For more information on franchises or to search for a franchise to purchase please visit www.franchisegator.com.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Herbal Remedy Products

Ratliff J

Herbal Remedies is where you can buy herbal remedies, vitamins, natural medicines, nutritional supplements, herbal supplements, diet pills, weight loss pills and many more herbal products.
Herbal Remedies have been used for thousands of years. The Western world is just waking up to their effectiveness.Herbal Remedies offer safe, natural remedies that are remarkably effective for maintaining health Explore the healing power of herbal remedies and the joys of natural healing.
Learn more about herbal products today at AskWellness.com.
About the Author
J. Ratliff is an article writer. This article may be reproduced as long as all links stay intact.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Urinary Tract Infections Helped with Cranberry Juice

Alfred Jones

Cranberry Juice is very rich in Antioxidants and Nutrients which can help to prevent degenerative illnesses and diseases, particularly those associated with the eyes, it is a well known supplement that is frequently used in overcoming UTIs or Urinary Tract Infections, and it could be called a vitamin that boosts the immune system, by increasing and improving cellular communication within the body.
Cranberries are very popular in the United States, especially around Thanksgiving Day, because it has become traditional to have it as a sauce with the Thanksgiving Turkey. The berries are very tangy and tasty, they are also loaded with Vitamin C, they were often used by sailors in days gone by, to prevent scurvy.
When Cranberry Juice is taken for Urinary Tract Infections, researchers found that patients passed a anti bacterial substance in their urine, which cured the infection. Unfortunately UTI is one of those diseases that is inclined to periodically return and become a chronic condition especially among ladies. More research has found that if taken regularly, it can be very effective in preventing a return of the infection.
Cranberry Juice is thought to attack the infection in two ways, one is through the acidity that is produced in the urine, which attacks the bacteria, secondly the Vitamin C content is an essential element in helping the immune system to do its work, because it is receiving what is needed, for efficient functioning. The immune system is the natural healer of all illnesses and diseases in the body, but of course it must have the required vitamins and nutrition for this purpose.
Cranberry Juice can also help in preventing degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, strokes and certain cancers, Cataracts are a cause for concern among the elderly, with vision impairment or even blindness, it has been know to slow down and even stop the progressive deterioration of cataracts.It has also been shown to be very beneficial in helping to slow down macular degeneration, and to reduce the blood leakage with diabetic retinopathy.
I am not in the business of selling either Cranberries or Cranberry Juice, there are already plenty of suppliers out there, so there should not be any difficulty in obtaining a quality product, try to go for a good brand, that is as natural as it can possible be, and do not choose the cheapest, as this could be a false economic choice.
The point that I am making, is that this, is an excellent natural remedy for a number of problems. Cranberries are considered safe for everyone, but if you are going to take it for medicinal purposes, Please consult with your physician first, Antibiotics might be considered necessary, first before trying Cranberry Juice.
About the Author
Article by Alfred Jones
We have products that are
a:Vitamin for Boosting the Immune System

Health supplement overview

John Gibb
Are you wondering which herbal health supplement you should take? Well, we've comprised a list of some of the most important herbs to begin on a regimen.

Alpha Lipoic acid is a special antioxidant that recycles both vitamins C and E in the human body. This is helpful to many age related diseases.

Avena Sativa is an extract for sexual health and vigor, also known by the name "green oats"
Bee Pollen is a substance produced by bees when they pollinate flowers. It's a great energy and immune system booster, and can be used as a weight loss aid.

Beta Sitosterol is a substance used for prostate health. More powerful then saw palmetto, this nutrient occurs in plant and vegetable matter.

CoQ10 is a nutrient, short for Coenzyme Q10 that is used in heart health and anti aging.

DMAE is a special nutrient that is known to increase mental function, as well as being known for elevating moods and fighting depression.

Dong Quai is a root remedy that many women take to help fight menopausal symptoms
Epimedium, also known as Horny Goat's Weed, increases the body's testosterone and can be used to help the libido.

Fish oil is a naturally occurring chemical in the bodies of fish that contains omega 3 fatty acids that work wonders for mental and physical health.

Lutein is a carotenoid nutrient that helps eye health, curbing macular degeneration. Royal Jelly is a nutrient found in the hives of bees. It has a broad range of vitamins and nutrients that can help keep your body working in tip top shape.

Wild Yam is a root remedy that helps curb menopausal symptoms.

Now that you know some of the basic herbs and remedies that go along with supplements, you can help yourself with choosing the ones that are right for you. If you are on any medications, it is best to ask a doctor before beginning a supplement regimen.
About the Author
John Gibb manages http://www.nutritional-supplement-guides.com
An updated website and blog dedicated to quality nutrition.

Alternative Treatment for Asthma

Balaji B

Asthma is a respiratory disorder characterized by abnormal lung condition in which accumulation of mucus in the lungs is found. Natural asthma remedies are the most preferred way of treating asthma since the conventional methods of treatment for asthma may have a lot of side effects.
Wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness are some of the symptoms caused by the narrowing or obstruction of the airways. Airway inflammation, a condition which makes the airways in the lungs turn red, swollen and narrow is one of the causes of narrowing or obstruction of the airways.
Herbal asthma aid is a natural product that is formulated with the medicinal herbs which is one of the most effective natural asthma remedies. Garlic, ginger and mustard are said to prevent the accumulation of mucus in the lungs and hence these are taken as natural asthma remedies. Herbs such as licorice have the tendency to expel the mucus from the lungs. This is used to clear the lung of mucus accumulation.
The ingredients of these products contain the herbs like Elecampane, Ginger, Garlic, Mustard and Licorice. The herbs mentioned above have medicinal properties that appose asthma symptoms. Licorice is an herb that clears the mucus accumulation from the lungs. If the patient is having high blood pressure he should not use licorice separately.
Before choosing any herbal remedy for asthma the patient has to consult a doctor to perform several diagnostic tests to confirm that he is having asthma. After the confirmation the patient can choose an herbal remedy for asthma in consultation with the doctor. The choice of the remedy depends on the condition of the patient.
Most of the people prefer an herbal remedy for asthma as it is known fact that they are more effective on a person without any side effects. It is the choice of a patient to choose an herbal remedy for asthma in consultation with a medical practitioner. They should consult a doctor before taking up any herbal remedy for asthma. Visit : http://www.natural-treatment-guide.com/asthma/herbal-remedies-for-asthma.html or http://www.natural-treatment-guide.com/asthma/herbal-remedy-for-asthma.html for more information about Asthma prevention.
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To SEO or To PPC?

The online community is definitely a large market place that you cannot ignore, especially if you have an internet business. There are thousands if not millions of consumers that you can tap in the internet.

At the same time, the internet also poses a quite different challenge. The easy access that internet provides also gives you as much competition as you can imagine. It is too crowded and congested.

Having a website is not enough to make your business running and able to compete. You must take other alternatives to give way for the online community to access your website at any rate or chance possible.

You have to expose your website. Make it known. It has to be visible. It has to be frequently targeted by consumers and surfers.

Invest in marketing your internet site. There are basically two options available to you, the SEO and PPC. These two are probably the most desirable alternatives you can get for your internet business as strategy for search engine marketing.
  1. SEO
    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Some researches indicate that 60% - 70% of internet surfers and users actually resort to using the Google search engine to find and locate web sites and pages, for any topic they desire. SEO is the process taken to make sure that the internet uses will find your website when ranked among the top results of a search. This way you can make sure that you will be visible and can clearly stand out from the rest.
    To get a search engine optimization, you will have to build on your own internet site frequently hit internet links to web site pages. The process will involve IBLN or Independent Back-Linking Network, wherein hundreds or even thousands of pages will be utilized to promote a particular website of a client.
    In SEO, there is no need for you to pay for the clicks although it will require you to spend time doing research to get a favorable combination of ads and target audience. The SEO process is a long term one. It requires months, 6 months at the least, before the proper outcome is fully achieved, but once the goal is accomplished, you will definitely get a steady source of profit.
  2. PPC
    PPC means Pay Per Click. It gives way advertising on a search engine. These are sponsored listings that you see whenever you make a search. There will be a charge whenever a visitor or web surfer clicks on any of your ads. There will first be a bidding process. The highest bidder for the price per click will definitely get the chance to be first listed in the search engine. With this kind of advertising, you can still basically control your campaign as you get to create your own ad. You will also manage the target audience and still stay within the bounds of your budget. Most of the providers of PPC advertising will allow you to specify the target market, either by topic, industry or geographical location. You can also very well check if your ad gets to be shown at all and if it is competitive with the rest.

There are some guaranteed benefits when you get to maximize the PPC strategy.

  • PPC lets you advertise to the whole of the online community. It is also relatively easy to set up.
  • At first glance, PPC advertising may seem very expensive. Could it possibly happen that someone out there will go on clicking on your ad? This will definitely give you a large bill without the expected profit on your part. If this provides a lot of worries, be rest assured that there is a protection for you. Networks are able to recognize fraudulent clicks.
  • You can also set a budget for a certain period. The moment your budget has been used up by the target number of clicks, your ads will no longer be displayed until the next period you want it again displayed.
  • You will also be able to adjust well to changes in market demands and trends.

In deciding which of the two strategies will work right for you, think of your goals and of your resources. They definitely offer benefits and advantages that will work for your good. The better way to approach this two is to evaluate according to your short term and long term plans. Take the PPC course for your short term goals and choose SEO if you have long term ones.

There world is out there for you now. Just make sure you do what will work best for your entrepreneurial endeavors and visions. The secret to success lies in your hands. Just study your options well and you’ll get exactly what you want.

Affordable PPC search engine advertising

PPC search engine advertising is by far the most affordable form of advertising available. PPC search engine advertising is a flourishing business that by 2008 is expected to reach $ 8 billion. PPC search engine advertising is about producing leads. Creating leads will help potential buyers find the specific website that will provide them with the product or service they need.

However, PPC search engine advertising does not end there. It is important to understand that although PPC search engine advertising generates leads, it is also important for users to find relevant information at the website they are directed to. Information is a valuable asset in PPC search engine advertising that is often left unchecked by many websites. Keep in mind that users are more likely to purchase products or services from a company that provided them with the necessary information they needed in the first place.

Qualified traffic with PPC search engine advertising

One of the benefits of PPC search engine advertising is that it provides qualified traffic to a specific website. Users that click on a PPC ad are those in search of a particular product or service. This helps eliminate unnecessary clicks from non-prospective buyers that only produce expenditures not profits. PPC search engine advertising is also the fastest way to get a reasonable return on investment.

A bidding process is used to establish the price of a specific keyword. In general, the budget for PPC search engine advertising may be a $100 to $100,000 depending on the number of keywords used. These prices can skyrocket in just minutes as more and more sites bid for the same keyword thus causing the prices to jack up.

PPC ads are placed alongside search engine results to which they are relevant. The highest bids for a specific keyword or phrase gets top billing on the search engine results page. Getting top placement provides greater odds for a PPC ad to get clicked by a qualified searcher.

Elements of PPC search engine advertising

PPC search engine advertising involves three basic elements; constant monitoring, response analysis and refinement as the essential factors involved in PPC search engine advertising. Proper management of PPC search engine advertising can result in big profits for a website.

PPC search engine advertising makes it possible for sites to monitor the productivity of each PPC ad they place. This gives a site the opportunity to turn off any PPC ad that is not performing at its best. PPC search engine advertising provides the most economical way for a site to advertise on the World Wide Web.

The cost entailed in PPC search engine advertising is dictated by the clicks made on a particular PPC ad. The number of clicks made on a PPC ad is subtracted from the initial amount paid by the business to a search engine company. To minimize cost and maximize return on investment, a business will have to regularly monitor its PPC search engine advertising campaign.

How to use PPC search engine advertising

Many businesses are unable to get the most out of their PPC search engine advertising campaign. PPC search engine advertising involves a lot more than just bidding on the highest keywords. Information is a main concern of many online users.

Providing online users with relevant information they need will help bring about a more long-term relationship with an online user that will more likely result in a sale. Information provided to online users may be in the form of a newsletter or e-zine that online users would likely sign up for. Sign-ups may be enough to cover the expenses of a PPC search engine advertising campaign.

Sign-ups also help generate leads for websites as they build opt in list from qualified online searchers who clicked their PPC ad. Getting personal information from qualified online searchers can be done in a variety of ways such as offering freebies for surveys or signing up for newsletters.

PPC search engine advertising is a continuous process that requires hands on supervision and a thorough understanding of PPC search engines. Businesses may opt to hire the services of a professional or do PPC search engine advertising with in-house experts. Whatever course of action is selected, a business is sure to get a huge return on investment with PPC search engine advertising.